Quinoa: The ancient, traditional grain

Up until recently, quinoa (pronounced “Qin-wah”) was not well-known in North America. Now, many North Americans are adding it to their diets because of its nutritional texture, which is rich in protein and contains all eight essential amino acids. Quinoa is grown in many parts of Latin America, such as Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. It is cooked similarly to rice.

For tonight’s main course, I’ve decided to make a quick and simple Latin-infused quinoa salad. 

First, mix one cup of quinoa with two cups of water in a pot (make sure the quinoa is rinsed).


Boil the quinoa for 15 to 20 minutes on medium low. 


Once the quinoa is a clear, translucent color and the texture is fluffy let it cool for 5 minutes. You can add fluffiness to the quinoa by stirring it with a fork. 

Cut up some vegetables for the salad. I added bell peppers, onions, cilantro, tomatoes and  green chilies. 


Heat up a can of black beans on medium low.


Squeeze some fresh lime onto the quinoa and add some hot sauce (I used Trader Joe’s version of Sriracha sauce). 


Mix all of the ingredients together and voilà a delicious and yummy fiesta in a bowl. 
